Thursday, April 23, 2020


I post almost daily about the cool activities Josephine does through TinySuperheroes. Every month she earns a new patch for her super awesome cape.
Eighty percent of the participants in TinySuperheroes are limited physically or cognitively making it difficult to  participate in other activities. Jordan wrestled. The other two cheered. This is Josephine's activity, her sport, if you will.
Tiny Superheroes does not charge for the patch program. Any child can participate and feel included for free.  TSHs funds some of this program through merchandise sales. I have a few items myself. But in order to offer this program to kids with extra issues for free during this difficult time, we are also fundraising.
I'd love to raise $50 more to make an even hundred. Any amount will be appreciated. ❤️
This is your #WERISEUP campaign link: